Thursday, October 22, 2020

Wooden Water Pipes


Medieval Water Pipes

These wooden pipes were crucial to providing water to Medieval Edinburgh.

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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Grains of Rice...


NO ONE IS PICKIER ABOUT rice than Guorui Chen. The 33 year old only accepts rice grains longer than 7 millimeters (1/4 inch), and they have to be white, clear, straight, and undamaged. Every day, he separates intact grains from broken ones with a winnowing basket and then spends hours examining their transparency under a light.

But Chen won’t cook this rice. Instead, he turns it into art. He picks out three grains, glues them end to end into a triangle, and connects hundreds of these basic units to form shapes: a horse, a lotus flower, a temple. In his hands, rice turns into aesthetic hollow sculptures. They appear so delicate that every joint looks liable to break, but in fact, they are sturdy enough to be lifted up and moved.

To read here...