We are a club dedicated to furthering the art of wood carving. To this end we meet monthly to enjoy the fellowship of like minded artists and craftsmen and to learn from each other how to improve our woodcarving skills. We welcome wood carvers of all skill levels. Even if you have never put a knife to wood, just bring the desire to learn.
Est. 1974
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
An All-Girls Woodworking Group in West Texas
artist supervision, a group of girls ages seven to 14 craft
three-legged stools whose proceeds go towards their college funds
Every Friday a group of girls, ages seven to 14, assembles in a woodshop in Marfa, Texas.
Supervised by artist Larry Bamburg, they don masks and goggles, taking
turns on the machinery to craft three-legged stools out of walnut,
mahogany, and the like. Proceeds from the simple but
sculptural pieces
(available for purchase, with a three-month wait list) go to the girls’
college funds. It all began six years ago, when Bamburg and his wife,
curator Jenny Moore, moved to Marfa with their two young daughters. “I
remember trying to find something with a sense of place to get the girls
involved in,” recalls Moore, the director of the local Chinati
Foundation. What was initially an informal family activity has now grown
into Lumber Club Marfa, a proper collective with two-hour sessions
followed by pizza dinners and games of tag. If the program isn’t quite a
formal production shop, it is an incredible confidence-builder.
“Watching a little girl take on a sander is powerful,” says Moore. “I’ve
seen them push through their comfort zone, wipe away tears and sawdust,
and get back at it.” From $300; lumberclubmarfa.com