Saturday, February 26, 2022

Selling Your Finished Work – Art and Craft Shows

 By Lora Irish

Many of us sell our finished projects and a primary outlet are the arts and craft shows in our local area.  How you mentally approach those shows can determine whether a show is a success or a flop for you as a business person.  For many years I did the craft show circuit and I would like to share my experiences in this posting.  Hopefully you will find a few ideas that you can use to make your business grow.

Any business strategy or  marketing website will tell you that first and foremost you need to create a Business Plan, but what does that really mean for the art and craft show artisan who does wood carving or pyrography?

Who, What, Where, When, and Why! These are the five basic questions you need to answer for any business planning. Let’s take a few minutes today and look specifically at what a business plan for selling shows might include as we answer a few of those basic questions.  I know that you have already gone through these questions with the standard business approach, but let’s look at them again with a little twist in your perspective. Let’s look at the Who, What, and Why from your customer’s point of view.

For the full article CLICK HERE